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Project Manager


Typ pracovního poměru: HPP    Místo práce: Brno   Obor: management    Nástup:     Plat: dohodou


Náplň práce

Janus Worldwide is a dynamic, innovative and forward thinking company that values its employees by providing a comfortable, professional atmosphere evoking professional growth and personal development. Our mission is to build a great company by attracting and retaining individuals who is ready to provide excellent Customer Service, Quality, Innovation, and Teamwork.
Currently we're in search of a Localization Project Manager to join our team in Czech Republic, Brno.

Main Duties:
• Communicate efficiently and confidently with clients
• Manage translation and localization projects, including
- planning (scope and schedule)
- compliance with customer requirements
- quoting and budgeting
- coordination of internal and external resources
- quality control
- support all functions during project’s life cycle

• Create the best possible workflows for each client and project.
• Assist sales team in winning and development of new clients.
Požadujeme• Previous experience from working in a localization environment
• Preferred experience in managing of multilingual localization and Life Science projects (3+ years),
• Experience in working with Translation Management Systems.
• Proficiency in CAT tools (Memoq, Trados Studio) and MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
• Experience in using of QA tools (e.g. xBench)
• Organized, excellent communication skills, open/flexible to changes.
• Fluent English, an additional language is a plus
• Willing to work as a member of the team
Jazykové znalosti- aktivně: angličtina,
- pasivně:
- jiné:
Řidičský průkaz
NabízímeWe offer

Work in the international environment

Meal vouchers

Office in the close proximity to city center

Počet zobrazení nabídky práce: 4791             Inzerát Project Manager vložen: 2021-11-29

Pracovní místo Project Manager nabízí

Janus Worldwide

Předmět podnikání:
    Founded in 1996, Janus Worldwide, Inc. an ISO 9001:2008 certified company was built on providing unparalleled customer service and support. We are one of the largest translation and localization providers in Eastern Europe.
IČO: 04704223
   Krenová 53

Kontakní osoba:   Elena
Email: job@janusww.com


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